Jedi Knights - 25 KB

Those words suddenly appeared on the big silver screen in 1977, and changed a lot of people's outlook on science fiction, including movie and series producers. But one may ask: "What's the most intruging part of Star Wars that caught, and continues to catch, so many different people's attention?"

Obviously, there are several factors in the Star Wars universe that can catch a variety of people's attention. Han Solo's looks caught some women's attention. Princess Liea's 'different' hair style. The cool little ships with four wings that form an X! The big bang caused by the Death Star blowing to little pieces of expanding metal! That rusty looking, but fast ship slamming into a few asteroids! That huuuuge Super Star Destroyer that looks sooo cool, yet sooo evil!! That cute little creature on Degobah who turns out to be a Jedi!! That awsome city that hovers high in the sky!! That evil guy with heavy breathing telling off an Jedi Knights Site Medallian - 14 KBAdmiral!! That big slug who manages to get Leia in a very revealing outfit!! Those furry brown things who go 'yub yub!'

And that barely sratches the surface. All of those little details, and all those little puns, make the Star Wars universe an intruiging place to visit on the silver screen! But what is the most original, definable factor of this magnificent galaxy that's oh-so far away? What stands out from every other Sci-fi, even today?


Jedi Knights.

Never before has anyone even concieved of people who can use the actual life of the galaxy to aid others...nor to harm others! Never before has anyone put such an intracate, detailed, and amazing concept on the silver screen. Nothing at the time, or even now, seemed so mystical, so ancient, yet so modern. It made an interesting combination that hasn't been duplicated succesfully yet!

The one problem with the concept of the Jedi is that it is so mystical that people get different impressions about them. One What the site looks like thus far - 27 KBperson may think it is OK for a Jedi to use his powers simply to jump from one side of the river to the other just so he doesn't get wet. Others think the same thing is against the Jedi of the Light code, and so a Jedi doing that would make him evil, and would make him one with the Dark side. There are so many opinions stuck in so many heads...yet no one's writing about them!

That's what this site is going to be for. A place where any one who can write a fan fiction about Jedi can come to. Here, you can post your work to your heart's content. There are a few restrictions, yes, but those will be explained on the 'join' page.

Currently, a person from Millennium Pictures is creating the website. The due date is unknown thus far, but I figured I might as well get a promotional site out.

If you are interested in joining, please check out the 'How to Join' section of this site.

How to Join - 24 KB

Millennium Productions

Star Dragon Productions

Star Wars is property of LucasFilm. This site is a non-profit fan fiction site and gains no money in any way. Every thing else is copy right © Star Dragon Productions, 1999-2000.